dimanche, mars 21, 2004

weedy !! 

its name is actually spelt "w-e-e-d-y" !!
i understand better its taste for grass !!!

samedi, mars 20, 2004

Widi (orth ?..) 

là c'est que de l'eau, mais c'est pas ce qu'il boit d'habitude !!
it seems so cute when you watch it just like that, drinking its tiny cup of water.. but can you imagine that rat loves weed and rum ? (any spirit actually...)
and that little rascall even peed on my bed !!
ya bloody punk !!!

vendredi, mars 19, 2004


la version gore...
(mature audience)

lundi, mars 15, 2004

cherchez l'intrus 

voyez pas ?!...

lundi, mars 08, 2004

1 week ago 

voilà tout ce dont je me rappelle de ma soirée il ya 1 semaine...

enfin, du moins, voici la version officielle !...

dimanche, mars 07, 2004

type 45 

it was blissful in Saint Lary today !!!
i must confess the season wasn't really great this year, so after the iciest and hardest slopes i had ever had (so far) we eventually got a bit nice snow.
some awesome powder !!
so fine !!..
yeah, it was an absolute bliss !

and it was also good to be a girl today :
since my mother took my board last time and she set the binding the wrong way for me (but the good for her.. don't you dare thinking she's stupid !!), it took me about 3/4 of an hour to set it my way again (try and set, then try again and set again..)
there i started to chat with the guy posted to the lift and since i had a nice smile, he would let me go first every time i should have queued up. i even got a free snowboard lesson with his friend, and discover that if you make friend with one person at the bottom of a lift, you also make friend with all the other people at the bottom of the other lifts, as well as those working in all the cafés/restaurants of the station (which means no queuing and free food and coffee !)

in short, sometimes i love being a girl with a nice smile !!.. it can be very useful !

(by the way, "type 45" in France is the kind of refined plain flour used to make cakes -but not bread, and the snow was fine enough to be compared with it today...)

samedi, mars 06, 2004

..let's not forget to precise that no rabbit, nor human being, had been armed, nor morally offended, in the making of that post.
nobody was abducted, no ransom claimed, and Cathy and Panpan are still happy together, and they still talk to me at the moment i'm typing this message.
(well, at least Cathy does..)

videos !!! 

voyons si ca marche....

30 millions d'amis 

i'm glad to tell you about Panpan today. that cute little bunny (yes, it was a rabbit once..) has shared Cathy's life since her earliest hours. he (it ?) witnessed her first giggles, first steps, then first love stories and is still standing by her in the more difficult moments...
isn't it the best friend you can ever have ? don't you envy such a strong relationship ?
well, this friend is already waiting for you in RSPCA shelters (in UK) or SPA shelters (in France).
so what are you waiting for ? hurry up !!

moi j'ai au moins demandé l'autorisation avant !..
..même qu'en plus je l'ai eu !!

by the way, i still have a lovely cat called Jean-Luc who'd love to have a sweet master to play with him and cuddles from time to time...

lundi, mars 01, 2004

bandes de pas gentils !! 

'spice de sadiques !!
il faut le faire savoir à Amnesty International !!
il font de la torture morale dans mon club de gym !
déjà, qd ils venaient me proposer des petits chocolats à la fin de la séance de muscu, je me doutais un peu qu'ils voulaient nous faire revenir plus souvent... mais voilà qu'ils le clament haut et fort maintenant !!!
comment voulez-vous que ce soit efficace la gym, dans ce club ?!

enfin, en même temps le chocolat c'est plein de magnésium, et le magnésium c'est bon contre le stress, donc on peut avoir un gros cul, au moins on est pas stressé dans mon club !...
du moins, il vaut mieux le prendre comme ça !


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