vendredi, janvier 30, 2004

mange ta soupe ! 

last wednesday i had a kind of accident with my pressure cooker ('cocotte minute' in french)...
nothing important, it did not explode and make a big hole in my kitchen wall, don't worry !!
i just didn't wait long enough time before i turned the button to release the steam and the pressure was so high in there that the steam was full of vegetable particles (i meant to make a soup). obviously, the wall was covered in carrot and tomato juice, quite easy to wipe off, but the floor and the ceiling had been hit as well, so i took a mop and roughly wiped the floor..
for the ceiling i checked first : it was plaster, so no dirty mop on it (not that my mop is dirty, it stinks of bleach, but you never know..). so i took a chair and a sponge. the floor is already quite slippery, but when wet it's even worse, so i had to be very careful.
but once up on my chair, i eventually realized i had been lied to for so long !!!
grown-ups had been telling me from since earliest childhood that soup will make me grow tall, didn't they tell you the same ?
well now i know they lied !!!
even on the tip of my toes, i still need 2 little cm more (about 1 inch) to reach the ceiling with my sponge !!!
so i jump on my chair to try and wipe that soup off my ceiling (while the chair was slowly skating over the kitchen..)

well, i keep on eating soup almost every night, specially when it's a bit chilly outside (i wouldn't dare to say 'cold' when my brother's name on msn is 'lost in siberia'..) but now i know one thing :
grown-ups are bloody liars and i don't want to be one of them !!!

(by the way, i finally found the plan of my thesis on peter pan !!....)

à la soupe !!

lundi, janvier 26, 2004

comprend pas ! 

alors là, je suis pas d'accord !!
j'ai enfin trouvé les quelques lignes qui régissaient les couleurs des liens après les posts (pour pas que vous vous détruisiez les yeux quand vous laissez des commentaires) et vraiment je comprend pas !!
pourquoi ça marche après certains posts et pas d'autres !?!! (si, si, revenez en arrière, vous verrez !)
j'en ai marre !!!
pourquoi y a jamais rien qui marche quand je touche a cet ordinateur !!!

(affaire à suivre...)

dimanche, janvier 25, 2004

aïeeeuuuuu !!!... (kneecapping is painfull !) 

la neige etait particulièrement dure aujourd'hui, surtout au niveau des caillous et des plaques de verglas... par conséquent, j'ai des bleus à tous mes genous !! et pas des petits !! (sniff !)
en general je ne marque pas trop les bleus, mais cette fois-ci je me demande si dans les vestiaires de ma salle de sport on ne va pas me prendre pour une rescapée de l'IRA avec mes rotules explosées. enfin, on ne m'as pas vraiment tiré dedans, mais je crois que j'y ai été un peu fort... la prochaine fois je prendrai mes genouillères du roller !

bcp de monde mais pas bcp de neige

mercredi, janvier 21, 2004

anyway, i'll get my revenge with your videos...!

and so she's gone !! 

yep ! at about 6:20am Marjo took her plane to Melbourne (well first she went to Paris and then probably to Singapore or Kuala Lumpur, who cares !)
she must be in her plane, watching a stupid video or playing tetris (no, rather watching videos, playing video games is not really her kind of thing..)
she's heading for a sunny place with palm trees where people are having bbq parties and wearing tongs, while here it has been raining for a week or so, it's about 10°C, and it's time for exams...

Marjo :I HATE YOU !!!

it's not fair..!
i don't mean about the weather and the bbq : it must be way colder in Michigan, and anyway, i don't have any exam this year, but why on earth do you have to fly away so far from me ?!!
do you realizee you're breaking my heart, and this wound is much deeper than the one from the waiter at the Sherpa who tried to stab me from behind with his fork falling off his tray when we bid you good-bye (i got my drink for free then..) !!
beside, did you really worked out what you'll have to give up there ? yes, you'll have a quick sum up of the french news from France2 evening news, but do you think they tell you which bicth is to marry the bachelor ?! and what about the 8th season of popstar ?!!
come on, don't be too sad, i'll send you a copy of Biba (if i can find it at the trash-bookshop), because i'm a nice friend ! (but don't count on me for popstar, no way !!!)

sur le Capitole il pleut, mais moi je vous emmerde !!!

samedi, janvier 17, 2004

et que la couleur soit !! 

wow !!
c'est pas beau tout ça, dite-moi ?!!
toutes ces couleurs (soit, ça tape dans la même gamme..), c'est merveilleux !! enfin, c'est bien !..
bon, y a encore de la marge pour evoluer, mais c'est deja pas mal, non ?!
pour le moment je tatonne, et parfois c'est vraiment frustrant, mais dès que j'aurai trouver ou frapper, je m'occuperai du reste.. je mettrai des images, des photos, de la video (si, si, Marjo ! dès que je saurai, tu passes à la casserole !!)
je sens que ça va etre super chouette ! ouai, j'le sens !!
j'ai hâte !!!


mardi, janvier 13, 2004

happy birthday !! 

isn't it a sad world a place where you can't rest in peace ?..
i mean, if there is one thing most sacred in the South of France, it is the concept of "sieste" !
yes ! napping is very important in the place where i live. it can be at any time of the day, so that life doesn't stop from 2pm to 3pm, but if i want to sleep at 4pm or 5pm, it's perfectly acceptable, even if i had a 9 hours long night the day before... by the way, i didn't even choose to hape a nap today : i just fell asleep in the middle of my book without noticing when a friend rang me to wish me a happy birthday. OK, he had good intentions, and he allowed me to finish my book (where the dead are not so dead, the baddy dies and the goody got married and had a lot of children)

something else now : i'm sure you've all claimed you had the prettiest mom in the world, but listen about mine !!
she came to my place yesterday before she had her appointment to the dentist (who works nearby) and we had lunch together. she said she'd even do the dishes but she was late so she didn't (damn it !). just before she left, she decided to brush her teeth, but she realized she'd forgot to take her toothbrush so i told her to take mine and that i'd go and buy another one when i'll be done with my work...
the following morning, as i was coming back from the gym and my food shopping, i opened my letter box and what did i find ?!!
a toothbrush with a "bon anniversaire" post-it stuck on it !
last year, when i was living in england, she sent me a saucisson (kind of dry pork sausage you can't find there).
so now, whose mom can compete with my mom's special birthday gifts ?!! and she is the prettiest mom in the world
as well !!!

là j ecris la legende de la photo

lundi, janvier 12, 2004

youpiiiiii !!!!
j'ai enfin reçu mon APN ! Appareil Photo Numérique pour ceux qui ignoraient encore que j'etais sur les dents depuis plus d'une semaine à cause de ce colis qui n'arrivait pas !!!
et bien voilà, ca y est, il est là, mon petit bijou d'ixus i, mon prrecieuuuuux..."blanc nacré", blanc comme la neige des Pyrénées et sa belle poudreuse scintillante... ;)
bon, celui là ne scintille pas, mais il a de jolis reflets ! et j'ai passé 1 heure à explorer les fonctions sans doute très clairement expliquées dans la notice que j'aurais volontiers lue avec attention si elle n'avait pas été en allemand ! je croyais qu'ils devaient donner une photocopie en anglais !! enfin, j'ai quand même découvert que cet adorable petit trésor (plus petit que mon téléphone !!) est encore plus génial que je ne l'imaginais !!
bon, maintenant que je l'ai, je n'ai plus besoin d'agresser qui que ce soit pointant son nez chez moi à l'heure de la tournée du facteur je vais pouvoir dire au p'tit gars du recensement qu'il n'a plus rien à craindre (ni de moi, ni du berger allemand de mon voisin, mais qu'il se méfie toujours de son york.. c'est teigneux ces petites bêtes...)

samedi, janvier 10, 2004

yesterday was quite a shitty day (rain, wind, cold, people waking me up way too early), so i thought i had nothing better to do than creating this blog. but i was wrong !!! i'm sure that depressing winter day would have seemed brighter if i had :
- stayed in bed,
- met some friends,
- went to uni (well i mean the dark room, had it been open on fridays),
well, anything rather than getting closer and closer to a nervous breakdown, with that bloody computer screwing up all the time !!!
i'm so glad i have some friends to help me but i fear the day when they'll be sick of hearing about my computer problems and shrink away from me.. (thanks again Franck !!)

so ! after that long distressing day, i am proud to announce you that i eventually succeed in finding a way to give you more news and i'll try to up date it as often as i can (with stuff that might not be interesting but at least you know i'm still alive).
as some of my friends can't speak English and others can't speak French i'll publish my posts in either one the another languages but don't count on me to translate every little bit for i'm afraid i won't have enough time for that. although i might grant you some of my precious time on special inquiry for translation (or anything else, whatever !).

vendredi, janvier 09, 2004

et en plus les accents marchent ! (parfois)
(et je le prouve : éïèôàùö !!... enfin, bon, j'vais pas tous vous les faire non plus !)

bon, je crois que pour les accents, c'est rate, il y a encore du boulot... mais bon, j'etais pleine de bonne volonte !!
(en meme temps, la plupart des gens qui liront tout ca sont nul en orthographe, donc il n'y a pas forcement sujet a s'inquieter...)
et enfin, un grand merci à Franck pour son soutien moral et technologique ;)

yahoo yahoo, mes cyber-amis (cow) !
voila mon tout premier message sur mon tout premier blog reussi (enfin j'espere que ca le sera ! je croise les doigts), et pour etre honnete, je ne rempli ce message d'introduction que pour avoir enfin le loisir de voir apparaitre mes mots a l'ecran, en me disant que tout le monde pourra les lire (bon, il va vite falloir que je trouve des choses a dire par la suite, sinon tout le monde se fichera bien de ces mots..)
c'est pas grave, ce n'est qu'un essai, un peu plus soigne que d'habitude ; remarquez : pas d'utilisation abusive de "k", ni d'abbrevions, et meme la presence ci et la d'accents.. c'est qu'il vas me falloir les bichonner, mes eventuels lecteurs, si je veux qu'ils me restent eventuellement fideles !
bon, on va deja sauver ca car je crois que mon ordinateur "plantouille"...

Bonjour !!
Bon en fait c'est pas Camille, je passe juste pour essayer de faire que ce p*** de truc marche, le truc super bizarre c'est que quand je poste ça marche, mais quand Camille le fait, ben ça marche pas...
Allez comprendre...

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